Honour Roll

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Criteria for BOTY

The BOTY  award is chosen by the chorus members for the most all round Barbershopper of the year who has contributed to the chorus life. This could be in one or a variety of ways. Many people who receive the BOTY have contributed to the running of the chorus by being a committee member but some for just going that extra mile to help the chorus with a specific event or fundraising. Or it may be someone who is just consistent with their attendance and general willingness to help out on a regular basis.
Most LABBS choruses have a BOTY award.  Ours is awarded at the AGM each January in recognition for achievements in the previous year.

Criteria for Caths Cup:

Cath’s cup is awarded by Music team for the most improved singer/performer.
Cath Lake was a member of Norwich Harmony for only a few short years. She sang in the Bass section. She always said that she wished she had found Barbershop years before. She was the most cheerful and positive person. She was diagnosed with lung cancer and treatment was the removal of one lung. She continued to attend chorus after her surgery, determined that this would not stop her. I can recall her telling us that at a review appointment with her consultant he was astonished at how good the capacity of her one lung was. She told him, and he agreed, that it was due to her singing practise! She always had a small recorder attached to her person and every rehearsal she would record what she was singing so that she could review and practise at home to get better for the next week. She did not let anything stop her from refining her craft. Even when she could no longer sing as her disease progressed, she continued to attend chorus to enjoy the music and the camaraderie. She sadly passed away approximately 20 years ago and the members of the chorus at that time wanted to create an annual award to honour and remember such a delightful and inspirational lady. And so Cath’s Cup for the most improved chorus member was created.  It is presented at the rehearsal after convention each year.

Criteria for The Valentine Award:

The Valentine Award was donated by Mavis Martin. She has always been a loyal and conscientious member of the Lead sectio, serving as Minutes secretary on the committee for several years and has a very generous heart. She decided to leave the chorus in 2020 and wanted to donate an award to the chorus to thank Norwich Harmony for all we have done for her whilst she has been a member.
This award will be voted for by chorus members and given to the person in the chorus with “The Most Heart”. That is someone who has shown the most compassion and kindness to others or to one specific person perhaps who may have been going through a particularly difficult time. This award will be accompanied by a monetary gift of £50. The idea is that money is to be spent by the recipient on something personal to treat themselves.
It will be awarded on the closest chorus rehearsal night to Valentine’s day, February 14th. This Is Mavis’ birthday.

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